WE_Photography Bundle

Creative Careers
Combined Hours: 
Course Type: 
Instructor Led - 4 Weeks per Course
  • Description
  • Objectives
  • Outline
  • Materials
  • System Requirements
  • Watch a Demo

Professional Photography

This Professional Photography course reflects a comprehensive mix of scholarly and practical information. It covers every aspect of photography, from capture through to output, both digital and analogue. There is an emphasis on explaining the 'how to' of photography, but also includes in-depth coverage of the fundamental principles that govern the art, such as how light behaves, optics, and the basis of exposure. This course ensures that the student comes away with not only a good grasp of photographic technique, but also an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals that will help them to better understand how great photography is made. As such, it functions both as an excellent course for students of photography, and a great primer and reference for amateur enthusiasts. 

NOTE: Adobe Photoshop is NOT included in this course. Students will need to have their own copy of this software installed on their computer. 

Prerequisite(s): None

The Art of Photographing Nature

Learn to see nature in a new way! Our “The Art of Photographing Nature” course will focus on teaching our students the art of composing beautiful photographs of nature. We will cover classic concepts of composition including isolating the subject, framing, perspective, color, design, and light and advanced creative options like depth of field, shutter speed, and the use of filters that will create more visual interest in your nature photographs.

Social Media Marketing

Social media has created an opportunity for businesses everywhere to promote and grow with just a simple push of a button. Whether you consider yourself a social media novice or a seasoned veteran, this class will give you a solid foundation and understanding of what social media is and how you can use it to grow your business. You'll learn about the most popular social media platforms—Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and more—and study secrets for using them to promote your business. And finally, we explore techniques for measuring and tracking your social media success. 

Create Stunning Digital Photographs

As a new photographer you’ve got to start somewhere and our Create Stunning Digital Photographs course is great place to start! The goal of this fun and informative course is to provide you with an introduction to digital photography and get you started on the path to becoming a great photographer. You’ll begin by learning the fundamentals of digital photography including composition, lighting, exposure and using your camera’s manual mode. Next, you’ll learn how to transfer pictures to your computer and how to use online sharing features. Finally, photography troubleshooting tips are provided, as well as advice on accessories that will make your passion easier and even more fun! 

Start Your Own Photography Business

Do you love taking photos? Or do you carry your camera everywhere? Our course will help you realize your dream of working from your home at something you enjoy, a home-based photography business. Our students will receive information on every aspect of setting up and running a thriving home-based photography business. You will learn how to estimate your start-up costs, outfit your home studio, market yourself and stay profitable once you are in business. Whether you want to earn your living as a portrait photographer, photojournalist, or product photographer our course will give you the tools you need to prepare for an exciting new career.

Learn Photoshop Elements 2021

Understanding how to take a great photo is just part of the photography equation. Going to the drugstore and getting photos printed is becoming less of a common practice. In order to get the most from your efforts as a photographer, you need to learn how to finish the photo by using software tools like Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021. In our Learn Photoshop Elements 2021 course you will learn image processing as a three-step process: importing and organization, basic and advanced edits, and printing and sharing.

NOTE: This course does NOT include the Adobe Photoshop software. Students must check Adobe for the free trial availability or purchase the software prior to registration. 

* You have 4 weeks to complete this course from date of your enrollment.

** Course Subject to Change.

** Course Subject to Change.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Type quickly and correctly
  • Identify the transcription format for civil litigation
  • Identify the transcription format for probates
  • Identify the transcription format for family law
  • Identify the transcription format for legal instruments

Professional Photography

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the basic principles of photography and camera anatomy
  • List the steps involved in processing photographs
  • Recall digital photography techniques, including composition
  • Recognize the basics of establishing depth of field, perspective, and lighting
  • Define techniques for improving your photographs, including corrective elements and special effects

The Art of Photographing Nature

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • List isolation and composition techniques
  • Recognize perspective and color of the subject
  • Recall the elements of design and different types of lighting
  • Identify creative options available for the photographer  

Social Media Marketing

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Define social media and ways to utilize it in your business
  • Recall the top social media networks and how to use them for marketing purposes
  • Identify ways to use social media for advertising
  • Discuss the importance of marketing data, strategies, and how to adapt campaigns to fit your needs  

Create Stunning Digital Photographs

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Identify the basics of choosing the right camera, lens, and setup  
  • Recall how exposure, focus, and color can affect your photos
  • Recognize different techniques for shooting people, places, events, and animals using auto and scene modes
  • List techniques and fixes for common photo flaws

Start Your Own Photography Business

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Recall the steps need to get established as a home-based photographer
  • Recognize the financial and legal aspects of owning your own photography business
  • Identify a business plan and how to track expenses
  • List how to manage and market a photography business

Learn Photoshop Elements 2021

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Recall how to organize, import digital images, and manage media
  • Identify how to select, correct and alter images using basic editing tools
  • Choose advanced editing techniques to add artistic touches
  • Recognize how to get your work off the hard drive and in the hands of others


Professional Photography

Professional Photography Module 1
Camera Anatomy 

  • Focusing and Setting the Exposure
  • Taking Your Picture
  • What Will You Photograph?
  • Shutter
  • Aperture
  • Choosing a Camera
  • Keeping a Camera Steady

Professional Photography Module 2
Lens and Exposure 

  • Lens Focal Length
  • Focusing Lens
  • Focus and Depth of Field
  • Perspective
  • Guidelines for Buying a Lens
  • Exposure Basics
  • How to Meter
  • Responding to Light
  • Film and Sensor Speed
  • Using Filters

Professional Photography Module 3
Light, Color, and Film Negatives

  • Color: Additive or Subtractive
  • Color Characteristics
  • Color Balance
  • Adjusting Color with Film
  • How to Process Black-and-White Roll Film
  • Processing Black-and-White Roll Film Step by Step
  • How Film Processing Affects Your Picture
  • Exposure and Development: Under, Normal, Over

Professional Photography Module 4
Darkrooms and Digital Pictures

  • Black-and-White Printing
  • Controlling Contrast
  • Dodging and Burning
  • Toning for Color and Other Effects
  • Making a Color Print from a Negative
  • Hardware and Software
  • Capturing Detail
  • Channels
  • Importing Your Images

Professional Photography Module 5
Image Editing and Printing Digitally

  • Digital Post Processing
  • Adjusting Shape
  • Adjusting Color and Value
  • Editing Commands
  • Compositing
  • Printers
  • Printing Options
  • Displaying Your Work
  • Ethics: How Far Can You Go?

Professional Photography Module 6
Organizing and Lighting

  • Image Storage
  • Metadata: Data About Your Files
  • Arching Digital Images
  • Arching Film and Prints
  • Mounting a Print
  • Artificial Light
  • Outdoor and Indoor
  • Lighting with Flash
  • Portrait Lighting

Professional Photography Module 7
Extending the Image and View Camera

  • Using Scale
  • Multiple Images
  • Alternative Processes
  • Using Projections
  • How to Make a Close-Up Photograph
  • Zone System
  • View Camera Movements
  • Using a View Camera to Control the Image

Professional Photography Module 8
History of Photography

  • Framing the Subject
  • Backgrounds
  • Spot/Line
  • Shape/Pattern
  • Emphasis/Balance
  • Using Contrasts of Sharpness
  • Using Contrasts of Light and Dark
  • Placing the Subject within the Frame
  • The Invention of Photography
  • Photojournalism
  • Color Photography Arrives

**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**

The Art of Photographing Nature

The Art of Photographing Nature Module 1
Isolating & Composing

In Module 1, we will focus on isolating your subjects and composition techniques for creating aesthetically pleasing images. We will begin by covering lens isolation, eliminating clutter and removing distractions. Next we will move on to format and framing in relation to composition and then learn about symmetry and asymmetry. Centering subject matters, the golden mean and using live view to compose to your images will conclude the first module.

  • Using Lenses to Isolate
  • Eliminating Clutter & Removing Distractions
  • Format & Framing
  • Symmetry vs. Asymmetry
  • Subject in Center

The Art of Photographing Nature Module 2
Perspective & Color

In Module 2, we will discuss perspective and color as covered in Chapters 3 and 4 in your text. We begin with scale and the subject and learn about sensor size and focal length. We will also learn about different types of lenses and how they can affect your images spatial relationships. Camera angle and composition are also covered in this module. The second part of the module will focus on different color schemes and the message they convey to the viewer. Black and white color conversions conclude this module.

  • Scale and the Subject
  • Understanding Sensor Size & Focal Length
  • Telephoto & Wide Angle Lenses
  • Compressing & Expanding Spatial Relationships
  • Camera Angle and Composition

The Art of Photographing Nature Module 3
Elements of Design and Lighting

Module 3 covers the elements of design and the different types of lighting found in nature. The elements of design lessons consist of horizon placement, lines and shapes, patterns and textures. You will also learn how to create composite panoramas using a series of photographs. The chapter on lighting in the textbook covers quality and quantity of light, as well as color, and discusses different types of lighting including low-contrast and high-contrast. We will conclude Module 3 by learning about the photographic rules of 18 percent grey and exposing to the right.

  • Horizon Placement
  • Lines & Shapes
  • Patterns & Texture
  • Creating Composite Panoramas
  • Quality and Quantity of Light

The Art of Photographing Nature Module 4
Creative Options & In The Field

Module 4 discusses creative options available in camera to the nature photographer and best practices for approaching animals in the field. Creative options covered include shutter speed and depth as well as using filters and controlled lighting (flash and fill flash). We will conclude the module and the course by learning how to get closer to a variety of animals without disturbing them in their habitat or endangering ourselves.

  • Shutter Speed
  • Depth of Field
  • Using Filters in Your Shooting
  • Controlled Lighting (Flash & Fill-Flash)
  • Getting Close to Animals in the Field

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Module 1
Social Media Strategies and Tools

Marketing is one of the hardest things to do right when it comes to running a business. Our first module will explore social media’s role in social influence and the importance of marketing with social media. We work to discover your business’s competitors and discuss how to launch a successful marketing campaign.

  • Business Social Media
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Cybersocial Tools
  • Content Marketing
  • Marketing Strategies

Social Media Marketing Module 2
Twitter & Facebook   

Our second module explores the many social facets of Facebook and Twitter. We learn how to market, advertise and share content on these social media platforms. We describe how to network and connect with people via live streams and chats.

  • Using Twitter as a Marketing and Networking Tool
  • Social Listening with Twitter
  • Creating and Sharing Content on Facebook
  • Advertising and Selling on Facebook
  • Live Streaming

Social Media Marketing Module 3
Promoting Yourself on Other Social Media Sites  

This module describes how to promote yourself and your brand via a host of social media platforms. We discuss how to find influencers and how to engage with customers via LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok. We also explore how to determine what content to create with videos and podcasts.

  • Promoting Yourself and Your Business with LinkedIn
  • Videos, Podcasts and Your Band
  • Marketing with Pinterest
  • Telling Your Story with Snapchat
  • Using TikTok for Brand Promotion

Social Media Marketing Module 4
Measuring Results and Building on Success   

In the last module of this course, we cover strategies for reaching your customers and how to incorporate social media into other areas of your company. We discuss how to change tactics and metrics to adapt to the ever-changing world of social media. Finally, we describe how to analyze metrics.  

  • Integrating Social Media
  • Advertising on Social Media
  • Analyzing Metrics
  • Delving into Data
  • Analyzing Content-Sharing Metrics

**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**

Create Stunning Digital Photographs

Create Stunning Digital Photographs Module 1
Exploring Digital Photography Basics

In module one, students will begin by building a strong foundation in basic digital photography. We will examine the principles behind how to prepare and setup your camera and lens and how to use various shooting modes.

  • Choosing the Right Camera
  • Looking at Lenses
  • Preparing the Camera
  • Automatic Shooting Modes
  • Scene Modes

Create Stunning Digital Photographs Module 2
Exposure, Focus, and Color

In this module, we dive into topics such as composition, depth of field, exposure, and how to use flash. We also discuss how to adjust focus and color. These foundational topics will prepare you to start ‘seeing’ like a photographer and will better equip you to dive into capturing the perfect shot.

  • Composition
  • Depth of Field
  • Exposure
  • Flash
  • Manipulating Focus and Color

Create Stunning Digital Photographs Module 3
Getting the Shot

Building off the technical components of digital photography learned in the last modules, you’ll put your knowledge to work learning how to photograph action shots, scenery and landscapes, close-ups, and portraits.

  • Shooting Portraits
  • Backdrops
  • Shooting Action Shots
  • Shooting at Night
  • Shooting Panoramas

Create Stunning Digital Photographs Module 4
Accessories and Common Fixes

To round out this course, we focus on easy ways to view, download, and store the photographs you’ve taken by exploring play-back options, storage and software options. Next, you’ll be introduced to some tips to enhance your photography skills, such as ways to correct exposure problems, achieve sharper focus, quiet image noise, and visual distractions. Also, this module introduces you to some pretty neat photography accessories that allow you to greatly expand your creative options and make life easier. 

  • Playback Features
  • Metadata
  • Downloading, Editing, and Sharing Photos
  • Fixes for Common Photo Flaws
  • Accessories to Enhance Your Photographs

Start Your Own Photography Business

Start Your Own Photography Business Module 1
Getting Started as Home-Based Photographer

In Module 1 of our photography business course will discuss the basics of getting started a home-based photographer. We will learn to make basic business decisions regarding amateur vs. professional status, part-time vs. full-time hours and what skills are necessary to begin your career. There are different branches of home-based photography and we will cover each of them before discussing working out of your home and the challenges of separating your business life from your personal life.

  • Amateur vs. Professional
  • Part-time vs. Full-time Photography
  • Acquiring the Knowledge & Skills of Photography
  • Branches of Home-Based Photography
  • Separating Business Life from Personal Life

Start Your Own Photography Business Module 2
Finances & Legal

Module 2 focuses on the financial and legal aspects of owning your own photography business. Financial lessons covered include financial planning, costs, accounts and reports as well as pricing for profit (which can be the most difficult and confusing part of starting your own business!). Legal aspects of owning your own business include sole proprietorships vs. partnerships, LLCs, corporations, and zoning ordinances. Lastly, we will discuss the naming and licensing of your new business, how to hire an attorney and how to purchase insurance.

  • Financial Planning
  • Costs, Accounts & Reports
  • Pricing for Profit
  • Sole Proprietorship & Partnership
  • Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) & Corporations

Start Your Own Photography Business Module 3
Business Plans, Taxes & Record Keeping

In Module 3 you will be learning about business plans, taxes and record keeping. We begin by discussing how to write a business plan and then move on to the rules of using your home, vehicle and computer in your business. Next we will discuss tracking business expenses and other types of recording keeping. Lastly we will cover taxes and their implications for your business. Computers can be invaluable tools for many aspects of your business and we will explore what type of computer would best suit your specific type of business.

  • How & Why to Write a Business Plan
  • Using Your Home, Vehicle & Computer in Your Business
  • Business Expenses
  • Record Keeping
  • Estimating Taxes & Sales Tax

Start Your Own Photography Business Module 4
Managing & Marketing Your Business

Module 4 aims to teach students about both the managing and marketing of their budding photography business. We will discuss setting business goals and managing productivity to achieve those goals. Storage, filing and retrieval systems are important for accurate record keeping so we will learn about the best way to manage your paper trial or digital records. Another important aspect of your business is PR (public relations) and we will learn about how your website, publicity, promotion and advertising all reflect your image as a business. Growth as a business and planning for the future is also very important in prolonging your career as a photographer so we will conclude the course by discussing the development of new products and services.

  • Setting Goals
  • Storage, Filing and Retrieval Systems
  • Productivity
  • Reputation & Public Relations
  • Website, Publicity & Promotion

Learn Photoshop Elements 2021

Photoshop Elements 2021 Module 1
Organizing and Editing Images & Managing Media

In Module 1, you will get started with basic image-editing. Through an examination of the Photo Editor workspace, you will explore the concepts of image size, resolution, color modes and the different file formats available in the program. Students will become familiar with the photo bin, guided mode, and the many editing options in the tools panel. By exploring the Organizer Interface, you will learn the best ways to store, search for and find your images. You'll also discover how to import images from various devices, use keyword tags, create albums and view photos in the new Slide Show option.

  • Getting to Know the Editing Work Areas
  • Working with Resolutions, Color Modes and File Formats
  • Navigating the Organizer Interface
  • Acquiring Your Images
  • Tagging Photos and Creating Albums
  • Viewing and Finding Your Images

Photoshop Elements 2021 Module 2
Selecting & Correcting Images 

In Module 2, you will begin to edit the photos in the Elements Editor that you imported into the Organizer. You’ll start by learning the different selection tools available to you in the editor and then move on to using layers, the most widely used tool in Photoshop Elements. You’ll learn simple image enhancement techniques that make a big impact including correcting contrast, and adjusting color and clarity. You will also learn about latest additions to this version, including the cropping feature, content aware option, refined control and the preset for sharpening shadows and highlights

  • Editing Camera Raw Images
  • Making and Modifying Selections
  • Working with Layers
  • Simple Image Makeovers
  • Correcting Contrast, Color and Clarity
  • Smart Brush Tools

Photoshop Elements 2021 Module 3
Exploring Your Inner Artist 

In Module 3, you will begin to explore your inner artist! As you learn advanced editing techniques, you can try out ways of adding artistic touches to create dazzling images. Learn how to apply filters, effects and styles to change the look of your image in a variety of ways. You'll discover how to draw and create art using a variety of digital “brushes” and application techniques in the Photo Editor. Topping off Module 3, you will receive a typography primer and experiment with applying different effects and filters to text in your images.

  • Filters and Effects
  • Styles and More
  • Using Photomerge
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Working with Type

Photoshop Elements 2021 Module 4
Printing, Creating, Sharing & Improving Your Photography

In Module 4, you’ll learn how to get your work off the hard drive and share your creativity with others. We will cover best practices in printing, from which paper to use to recommendations for what types of prints yield the best results. We will also discuss different sharing services and projects that you can make from your edited images. In addition, you will also learn how to compose better photos in camera so that you can improve your images before you ever start editing them in the program.

  • Getting It on Paper
  • Sharing Your Work
  • Making Creations
  • Composing Better Photos
  • Project Ideas

Ed4Career is committed to being both environmentally conscious and making it easier for you to study! We’re making your education mobile! All of our textbooks are now provided as eTextbooks*. You can access them on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device and can study anytime, anywhere.

The move away from physical books to eTextbooks means you get the latest, most up-to-date version available. This also makes your training more accessible, so you can study anywhere you have your phone or tablet. The best part is that all materials are included in your training cost so there are NO extra fees for books!**

*A few courses still have physical materials.

Internet Connection

  • Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections

*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.

Hardware Requirements

  • Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
  • Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended


PC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
  • Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player


MAC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
  • Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • Apple QuickTime Media Player